Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My personal turning page

Where I hear silence,
I can hear your melody play.
Where I see the darkness,
I see your light rush through my veins.
Where I cannot taste the sweetness on my buds,
I can still taste your lips against mine.
Where I feel the seriousness in life,
I can feel your laughter fly.
When I get down and seem not enough,
Your "You're enough" is all I need.
When I want to hide who I am,
Your love opens the locked doors within.
When I think I'm alone,
Your prescence reamins in my heart.
When I'm sad and sheding tears,
You manage to make me smile and blush.
Why I'm falling in love with you,
That's a mystery that Holmes cannot solve.
Why I still feel your touch and embrace,
I never question, I let it remain.
Why you love me, I'll never fully know,
But I hope your feelings never change.
I love you now, I loved you then,
My love will grow til who knows when.

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