Thursday, July 17, 2014

And Then I Saw You Were Not Perfect, And I Loved You Even More

I watch you deep in slumberland, pillow up against my hip with your head gently rested on it so you don't irritate your freshly pierced ear. Watching you peacefully sleep, the only things running through my head are how perfect and beautiful you are.

I understand no-one is perfect. And you're not perfect. But at the same time, you are. You're perfect for me. You're perfectly imperfect and I wouldn't have you any other way.

It's been this way from the start. You've never hidden your imperfections, but flaunted them. Each imperfection you reveal to me, the deeper I fall for you. I have never needed someone perfect. I've needed someone real. I've searched in all the wrong places for love, companionship, a significant other. Looking back, each relationship had it's red flags from the get-go. Things I should've seen, but blinded myself to because I was desperate.

Everyone said I needed to take time to myself, figure out who I truly am, what I want, where I want to go, my little quirks. Everything fell into place. You fell into place, my love. Everything happened the opposite way of how everything typically goes and that's how I know this is different.

I chose my path, I chose my schooling, I chose my life. Then you came along, and just happened to be where I would be. You've shown me a different side of love, the better side. You've shown me what true love feels like, looks like, talks like simply by being imperfect but perfect. The way you treat me is a way I'm not used to being treated. Sometimes, I subconsciously react the way I do because of how the past has treated me. I'm not used to someone so compassionate and loving that I think I misinterpret normality. For you, I try my hardest to remind myself of that. I remind myself that you deserve the best, and I refuse to give up fighting past demons so I can be everything you want and need.

You are better than anything I've ever dreamed or prayed for. You're a true blessing from God, and every second, I'm thankful to say I'm yours.

I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.